What is Housing Stabilization Services (HSS)?

HSS is a new Minnesota Medical Assistance benefit that helps people with disabilities. Including mental illness and substance use disorder, and seniors find and keep housing. HSS is a Home and Community-Based Service (HCBS), and providers of HSS must abide by the HCBS requirements.

Housing Consultation

Housing Consultation

We examine our clients’ housing requirements in collaboration with them, then we create a strategy to locate appropriate housing that is also within their budget.

Transition Support

Transition Support

We provide services to help our clients prepare for, find, and settle into a house in the neighborhood through indirect or direct assistance.

Sustainability Services

Sustainability Services

We provide ongoing support to our clients to help them maintain their housing stability, including help with budgeting, managing their mental health and substance use, and building relationship within the community.


Who is eligible for HSS, you must:

1. Be 18 years or older

2. Be enrolled in Medical Assistance (MA)

3. Have a disability or disabling condition

4. Need assistance with at least one of the following areas due to a disability or disabling condition:
a) Communication
b) Mobility
c) Decision-making
d) Managing challenging behaviors

5. Having housing instability, such as:
a) Being homeless
b) Transitioning from an institution or licensed
c) registered setting
d) Being at risk of homelessness
e) Being at risk of institutionalization
f) Not receiving similar services from other programs like Moving Home MN, Assertive Community Treatment, Housing Access Coordination, or Relocation Service Coordination